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Es ist erstaunlich, was Antworten einer KI heute leisten können. Es ist schon ein weiter Weg seit dem legendären Eliza von Joseph Weizenbaum.

In den Medien wird oft nur berichtet, wie Systeme zur “Fälschung” von Artikeln genutzt werden könnten. Aber das Potenzial ist viel größer. Hier ein Beispiel einer Recherche über Funkausbreitung.

Die eingerückten Passagen wurden dem System übergeben. Der Rest ist die Antwort. Das KI-System ist ChatGPT von OpenAI.

Das System bei der Arbeit

Explain radio propagation for a radio amateur.

Radio propagation refers to the behavior of radio waves as they travel through space and the Earth’s atmosphere. There are several factors that affect radio propagation, including the frequency of the radio wave, the type of transmission, the Earth’s atmospheric conditions, and the presence of obstructions such as buildings or mountains. For radio amateurs, understanding the principles of radio propagation is important for optimizing their communications and for successfully making contacts over long distances. The most common types of radio propagation for radio amateurs are ground wave propagation, sky wave propagation, and ducting. The choice of frequency, antenna, and operating conditions depends on the desired type of propagation and the prevailing conditions.

Give me examples for the propagation of VHF frequencies over about 500km.

For VHF frequencies (30-300 MHz), propagation over a distance of about 500 km is typically achieved through the following mechanisms:

Tropospheric Ducting: This occurs when a layer of warm air acts as a duct, trapping the VHF signals and allowing them to travel great distances. This type of propagation is most common during the summer months and is often used by radio amateurs for long-distance communications.

Meteor Scatter: This is a type of scatter propagation where the VHF signals are reflected by meteor trails in the upper atmosphere. This type of propagation can result in rapid fluctuations in signal strength, but it can allow for communication over long distances.

Terrestrial Reflection: This occurs when VHF signals are reflected by the ground, buildings, or other large objects. This type of propagation can be used to extend the range of VHF communications and is often used by radio amateurs for line-of-sight communications over short to medium distances.

It’s important to note that these mechanisms can be affected by various environmental factors such as atmospheric conditions, the presence of obstructions, and the time of day, among others. Therefore, it’s always a good idea for radio amateurs to monitor the conditions and adjust their equipment accordingly to ensure the best possible propagation conditions.

Where can I get forecasts for possible Meteor Scatter propagation?

There are several sources that provide forecasts for possible meteor scatter propagation. Some of the most common sources are:

Websites: There are several websites that provide real-time and future meteor activity information, such as the American Meteor Society (AMS) and the International Meteor Organization (IMO). These sites often provide information on the expected meteor activity, including shower dates and peak activity times.

Software: There are software programs available that provide real-time and future meteor activity information, such as Meteor Scatter Propagation Predictor (MSPP). These programs use meteor data and other environmental factors to predict the likelihood of meteor scatter propagation for a given time and location.

Radio amateur groups and forums: There are many groups and forums dedicated to radio amateur communication and experimentation, and these can be a valuable source of information on meteor scatter propagation. You can find these groups and forums on social media platforms, such as Facebook and Reddit, as well as on websites dedicated to radio amateur activities.

It’s important to note that meteor scatter propagation is unpredictable and can change quickly. Forecasts can provide a general idea of the expected conditions, but it’s always a good idea to monitor the actual propagation conditions and adjust your equipment accordingly.


ChatGPT kann Begriffe einordnen und zusammenhängend darstellen. Es liefert auch Querverweise. Aber man muss vorsichtig sein. Ein echtes Verständnis des Themas hat das System nicht. Dazu ein Video von Prof. Dr. Edmund Weitz der HAW Hamburg, welches diese Problematik anhand einiger Beispiele aus der Mathematik aufzeigt:


Das System ist noch lange nicht perfekt und sicher auch nicht „intelligent“ im deutschen Sinne. Aber die Fortschritte sind beachtlich. So lange man die Ergebnisse so kritisch hinterfragt wie man es auch bei den erheblich schlechter aufbereiteten Ergebnissen der Suchmaschinen immer tun sollte, kann es die Recherche-Arbeit vereinfachen. Das kritische Problem dabei ist ein ähnliches wie bei Eliza: Die eloquente Art der Präsentation kann einen dazu verleiten, die Ergebnisse pauschal für plausibel zu halten. Aber das ist kein reines Problem der KI. So etwas passiert auch bei redegewandten Menschen.
